New: Introducing gloriously creamy hot cheese bakes

New: Introducing gloriously creamy hot cheese bakes

Indulge in a luxurious melted-cheese treat with our NEW cheese bakes, baked in the oven until bubbling hot. Perfect for dunking crusty bread and crudités, our Black Bomber Welsh Rarebit and Rock Star Fondue cheese bakes make crowd-pleasing centrepieces for any sharing platter – and they’re ready in less than 30 minutes.

Black Bomber Welsh Rarebit Cheese Bake

This rich and creamy cheese bake celebrates the flavours of a classic Welsh rarebit, combining our award-winning Black Bomber 15-month aged extra mature Cheddar with wholegrain mustard, craft ale and a splash of Worcester sauce.

Rock Star Fondue Cheese Bake

An easy way to enjoy the luxuriously creamy flavours of a classic fondue, this hot cheese dip blends Rock Star 18-month vintage cave-aged Cheddar, matured in Welsh slate caverns for a distinctively rich flavour, with cracked black pepper and Sauvignon Blanc.